Monday, January 23, 2012

She's hooked, line and sinker....and we are so excited!

I don't know about you...but I love it when someone new joins our quilting community.  It makes me want to sing and dance when someone finishes their first quilt.  Our January quilter of the month is Stephanie Blades and she was kind enough to let me photograph her with her quilt and answer a few questions for me......

When did you start quilting?

I started quilting in November when I took the beginner class at Mama's Quilt Shop, at that time I had never sewed and had to borrow a machine from my mother to bring to class, and didn't even know how to thread a bobbin. Oh, what a patient teacher Ms. Annette was!! I now have my own machine and sew every night if I can!! I have always loved quilts and wanted to know how, but never thought it possible for me since I didn't know how to sew and the fact that I am not very crafty or creative. I have never had a hobby prior to quilting.

What do you do when you are not quilting?

I am a registered nurse, I work at Lallie Kemp (which is very convenient to stop by the quilt shop) in outpatient infusion, which means that mostly I administer chemotherapy. I love being a nurse and taking care of patients.

Can you tell us a little about you and your family?

I am married to my husband of almost 30 years we have 2 children and 2 little grandsons. My husband is the pastor at Mt. Nebo Baptist Church. Ministry keeps us very busy, but what a joy it is working for the Lord!! I really enjoy spending time with my family.

So...what new tool or technique would you like to learn next?

That would be hard to say, because I want to learn to do everything!! I hope to soon learn how to do that twister and maybe eventually learn to do some appliqué and whatever else anyone is willing to teach me!! I think I definitely have caught the quilting bug , and I love it!!!

Thank you Stephanie for sharing your beautiful quilt with us and a little bit about you.  It is truly a blessing when you visit the shop.

*Stephanie took Annette Chadwick's beginner's quilting class at Mama's Quilt Shop.  For more information contact Brenda at

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